Frequently asked Questions

Get answers to some questions on MyAgro360

MyAgro360 is both android and web based.
A user therefore required an android device to install Myagro360 mobile application and a browser to view inputs from the mobile

Kindly visit google play store to download MyAgro360

Download MyAgro360 here

The first thing to do is to create your account with HGT by signing up

Alternatively: You can sign up at,

With your HGT account details, you are required to setup your organisation/company/establishment at

You can create your farm as an company provides you with an online platform to sell and buy agro products and more.


MyAgro360 provides you with user friendly inventory management application to help you create your items and upload to

To start creating your inventory: Refer to getting started to setup your shop

Join the conversations and share ideas on how to maximize yields!

Visit: to contribute to issues

Your friendly support team is available to answer more of your questions and provide assistance.

Email: or
Create your ticket:
You may also call +233502511115

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